Sunday, June 12, 2011


I know, I know, the Double Fondo went down last weekend and I missed the post. There is a draft floating around in the web-o-sphere somewhere and let me assure you, the names may have changed, but the story is the same. Seven or eight old guys get their teeth stomped in by Joe Fish. Read last years recap and you'll have most of it.

Moving on to current events: generally, we here at FLP tend to frown upon any ride which is preceded by a swim, and/or followed by a run, but if you were brave enough to toe the line in this year's Xterra, well, you may have been slightly surprised by this lurking around the corner:
Or This:
Which, after a few or more early morning beers, degraded into something like this:
Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to hold a giant syringe, a beer and a camera in just two hands, therefore I cannot show you any photos of the Caveman Conrad Stoltz shredding Buttermilk Trail, or Shonny V. riding Melanie McQuaid's wheel on lap 2, or Scottie D. suffering with the rest of the "also rans" out there.

Scottie D, let this be a lesson to you: a whole spring wasted - swimming, running and not drinking. You are one of us and we are not triatheletes, unless, of course, the events are riding, drinking and eating well. Now get back on yer bike, get some socks, ditch the sleeveless jersey and let's see if you can salvage a bit of self-respect in time for the SM100.

MON 6/13/2011 UPDATE:

This just in from the Forest Hill news bureau. Scottie D. assumes the position. No sleeves, no socks, no service!