Well, there it is. Pantaini Ride, two.zero.one.three. Feb 10. Strava it. Won't do any good. They only invite you so they can serve you a frozen platter of humiliation.
Apparently, I'm being called out. Does that require coming out? Cause I'm not quite sure I'm ready. Don't ask, don't tell. If you have to ask, I'm not gonna dignify it with a response. Looks like some special rigs are being prepared & perhaps some tire selections being contemplated. I'm a run what you brung kind of guy. I got one bike and one pair of tires. I prefer to waste my mental energy on the tougher questions like "What kind of beer will we bring?" "Will we drink it before the ride or after?" "How hard will Metro's nipples get if he wears that Hooter's outfit?"
2011 was a blast. Woke up on Brokenback Mountain covered in snow with my shorts on backwards and a pocketful of one dollar bills. What's not to love about that?
Did some sub-zero training last night. Topped it up with cold beer, hot empenadas and soft porn.
I will be there. I will be serving up the pain by the heaping teaspoonful. Scottie D. better watch his back.
Check back here for the full report. Don't be suprised if you don't find it. Cause that's how it goes sometimes.