Thursday, December 2, 2010

Umm...Zurich, we have a problem!

Turn the volume to nil, and this may be bearable!


  1. What the hell is that blonde man doing singing. I was about to tune out until I saw the guy leading rocking out on the inflatable guitar. Wait I’m 2 min into the video now thinking hmm single speeds, crazy skin suits, transvestites in mini skirts you’d think I’m all over this..But no. Don’t tell me the cold weather is playing tricks on the mind already.

    Time for a Pantini or a half & half?


    Oh and happy “holidayze” & all that jazz to the barnyard and their families.

  2. I say, I say, I say...Metro needs a barnyard alias. I hear tell he is from R-Kansas, perhaps he could be the hog. Not sure if that is appropriate, cause I ne'er seen him eat. Although I hear tell he has been known to wear a veil of salsa from time to time!

    Seems to be ridin' with his ass on fire lately, fo' sho!

  3. So have you start a write in campaign?

    Richmond, VA To Bid On 2015 World Road Championships

  4. no I have started a "ride in" campaign.

  5. Ha, ha, ha. Perfect timing. Give that Euro Trash Tabloid of mine that someone calls a blog a few days and you will see that maybe I’ve earned a Barnyard alias along the lines of Sheep Focker. Sorry to blow past w/o staying for milk & cookies Sunday. I was late for work and feeling just a little pro in that sweet Bikeman jacket.

    PS. Just for the humble Brown Father family record the Notorious FOZ was sporting the Brown wool at the 804 UCI worlds announcement yesterday and he looked UbER Pro doing it. (damn how do I put the double dot accent over the little b?) Stu got a shout out from the mayor. Ha, brown wool….Sheep Focker….This is going to be good!

    Happy Holidays or Holy Dayze to all of the little critters in the Barn Yard.


  6. Yeah, no offense taken. I thought you were just another roadie prick with an extremely long goatee! The jacket is sweet but you need to keep that zipped or have some exhaust vents or something cause that thing was ballooned up like the stay-puft marshmallow man. I'd have let you know if you'd have stopped to say hi...

    Given the negative style points and wasted wattage, I trust you will correct the situation promptly! I would hate to have to report you to the Velominati for Rules infraction (thereby implicating myself as well, for allowing it to happen).

    Give my holiday greetings to the future Mrs Metro as well.
