Friday, April 2, 2010

The List

Mmmm-kay! The list of riders dwindles as the list of excuses grows. Let me break down the top 5 (excuses). These are all real, names have been withheld:

5). RACING THAT WEEKEND - It's noble, our feelings aren't hurt, but if you are thinking that somehow there is more fun and glory in riding the same 6 miles over and over and over and over, you need your head checked. (PS- it's the same 6 miles you rode last year.)

4.) HAVEN'T BEEN RIDING - Why the hell not? Snow, ice, rain - these are all merely obstacles the man has put in your path to promote his auto-centric society. Stop drinking the Kool-aid! Plus it's warmed up quite a good bit, roll down your window and check it out. We're all gonna suffer anyway.

3.) GOT A NEW JOB, WORKING WEEKENDS -We appreciate that, but call in sick

2.) I DON'T THINK I CAN FINISH - You won't know until you try! Plus, we did not ask you to think, just do! We'll put you in the sag wagon if need be. Bring your credit card.

and a well deserved top spot goes to:

1.) GETTING A COLONOSCOPY - you are indeed excused! Please send us a link to the You Tube video at your earliest convenience.